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Petra Bajo, PhD 

Petra is a senior research associate at the Croatian Geological Survey in Zagreb. Her scientific interests lie in exploring the timing and causes of past climate variations spanning sub-decadal to orbital time scales based on geochemical proxies in speleothems. Petra is the leader of the UNLOCK-CAVE project.

Anica Benutić, PhD 

Anica is a group leader of a Unit for Metals and Metalloids at the Croatian Institute for Public Health in Zagreb. She holds a PhD in analytical chemistry and is an expert in elemental analyses of various matrices by ICP-qMS. Within UNLOCK-CAVE project Anica is responsible for trace element analyses of drip water, soil water and farmed calcite samples.

Maja Briški, PhD 

Maja is a research associate at the Croatian Geological Survey. She completed PhD in hydrogeology and her expertise is numerical modelling of groundwater flow, application of geophysics in hydrogeology and stable isotope systematics in water cycle. Within UNLOCK-CAVE project she is actively participating in cave monitoring and is responsible for chemical analyses of major anions and cations and stable isotopes of water samples.

Vlatko Brčić, PhD 

Vlatko holds a PhD in geology and is employed as a research associate at the Croatian Geological Survey. His research interests span from sedimentology, geological mapping, stratigraphy to paleogeography. Vlatko is involved in UNLOCK-CAVE project through active participation in cave monitoring, petrography investigation of thin sections and technical support.

Nikolina Ilijanić, PhD 

Nikolina obtained a PhD in geology and is employed as a senior research associate at the Croatian Geological Survey. Her major research interest lies in palaeolimnological research of Croatian karst lakes. Nikolina is contributing to UNLOCK-CAVE project through her expertise in XRD and elemental analyses of geological samples.

Iva Palatinuš, mag.geol.

Iva recently completed a Master in Geology from the University of Zagreb and joined UNLOCK-CAVE team as a PhD student. The aim of Iva’s PhD thesis is twofold. In the first part Iva is focused on disentangling the processes responsible for transferring the climate signal from the surface to the speleothems. The second aim is to explore the link between the isotopic composition of speleothems at our study site and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a major mode of internal climate variability in the North Atlantic region.

Andreja Sironić, PhD 

Andreja is a professional advisor from the Institute Ruđer Bošković in Zagreb with a PhD in analytical chemistry. Andreja has a broad experience in 14C dating of carbonate samples. Within UNLOCK-CAVE project she is responsible for preparation of speleothem and drip water samples for 14C analyses by AMS and for 3H analyses of drip water samples.